Research reveals most popular reasons for moving home

A recent study conducted by the AA has revealed some fascinating insights into what kind of things shape the decisions made by those who choose to move home.

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Many people believe that this process is one of the most stressful experiences of modern life, with research also supporting this claim. However, looking at the reasons behind the big moves people make can help explain why we put ourselves through it in such large numbers.

Professional obligations

23 per cent of respondents to the AA’s survey confirmed that they had packed up and shifted their lives to another part of the country in order to pursue their career.

The fact that moving home is most commonly associated with job opportunities is interesting from a social and societal point of view, not just due to its implications for the housing market.

Fresh starts

At the other end of the spectrum from an ideological point of view, 12 per cent of those questioned said that the main motivator behind any move is the pure desire to change their scenery and start afresh in a new property elsewhere.

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Family ties

For one in 10 of the people who participated in the survey, moving house was something they had done at some point in the past in order to shift themselves closer to relatives.

4 per cent said that they had moved after getting married, which makes sense given that newlyweds might want to mark their union with a move to a new home. A similar proportion confirmed that they had moved in the wake of a divorce, showing that not all reasons for selling up are positive.

Money matters

Perhaps the most surprising statistic thrown up by the report is that just 3 per cent of people have sold their home and moved elsewhere as a means of making cash out of the sale.

Ultimately, this study reveals that people are more sentimental or practical about home moves, with money being a motivator in very few instances.